Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Time to leap again

I might have to backfill this with the wonderful work i produced last time - but right now im pretty excited with round 2 of making posters for "It's All About the MUSIC". Krista's next party is coming up in October.

Had a great night last night working with Greg on a conceptual prototype. His immediate suggestion was to chopping up of the DJ images and applying filter in Photoshop first them moving them to Illustrator. I was against it as i wanted to spend time getting good at one piece of software at a time - but just for kicks, we applied some images and traced one DJ in photoshop.

Holy crap and OMG. Wish i hadn't have seen the number of filters and crazy shit you can do there. I was shaking my head at the possibilities that i now have to work with. Having more options, more filters is great - but now i have to pick one!

We didn't quite achieve a perfect cut and paste between programs yet though so the prototype above is based on the same method i used last time, with no photoshop. Just wait till i update it...